Mediation Agreements and Resources
Mediation Agreements and Resources
Mediation Agreements and Resources
Separation and Divorce
Specializing in Helping
Families Move Forward
If you can't agree on anything else, you can probably both agree that you would like to minimize the financial impact of divorce.
When I litigate I cannot provide a quote for services - it depends; it depends on the opposing counsel's choices, the opposing party's instructions, your desires, extra-steps a judge may add that nobody asked for, and many other factors.
In the context of a mediation, I cannot guarantee a resolution, but I can promise upfront and transparent fees. Hopefully, I will assist you in resolving your issues. If the mediation is not successful you will have a better understanding of the issues, potentially have narrowed them, and have satisfied Rule 4.16 of the Alberta Rules of Court, which requires the parties attempt Alternate Dispute Resolution before proceeding to trial.
In the context of an arbitration, I can promise you a carefully considered resolution.
In addition to the fees as set out below, I am able to create custom packages to suit your family's needs. Please contact for details and to discuss further.
Hourly Mediation - $295
Prior to mediation occurring, I conduct a screening call with each party in accordance with the Government of Canada's best practice recommendations for family law.
For those dealing with discrete issues (i.e. summer holiday parenting, child support for T4 employees, terms for sale of the family home, etc.) I am available to mediate at an hourly rate.
I can further assist you by drafting a Court Order or agreement if a resolution is reached.
Half Day Mediation - $850
For more complex issues that may take more time and discussion (i.e. child support when one party is self employed, spousal support, division of family property) I offer a reduced rate for three hours of mediation.
Full Day Mediation - $1,650
For those who have multiple issues to resolve, many of which are interlinked (i.e. child support and parenting, spousal support and family property) I can work through them with you.
A full day of mediation (9:30 to 4:30) includes six hours of mediation, and lunch/coffee breaks.
While some parties benefit from powering through, others need multiple shorter sessions to work through the process. We will gauge this as I work with you.
Start to Finish -
Separation Agreement - $1,150
Hourly Arbitration -
For those who have everything to resolve and need guidance, I will walk you through from start to finish.
I will have screening call with each party before we begin. Next, we will have a joint ninety minute meeting to determine the issues and review the law. Each party will be given homework, including considering parenting plans and gathering financials.
I will review all financials prior to mediation commencing. This package includes four hours of mediation. If the parties are making good progress and wish to add on additional mediation time, this can be arranged.
I will draft a Memorandum of Understanding detailing what has been agreed to, what factors were taken into account when reaching agreement, and any outstanding issues.
If you are successful at reaching a resolution in a mediation with me, you may opt to have me draft a Separation Agreement reflecting the terms reached.
This pricing reflects the first draft and minor edits to a Parenting, Child Support, Spousal Support and Property Agreement. Agreements and/or Orders for single issues may be billed at my hourly rate. Significant changes will be billed additionally at my hourly rate.
If you are unsuccessful at settling one or more of your issues, the parties may opt to attend arbitration with me.
Arbitration is a binding alternative dispute resolution process. It allows the parties complete confidentiality - any documents submitted do not become public records. Prior to entering into Arbitration the parties will execute an arbitration agreement discussing my jurisdiction (i.e. what issues I can decide), and confirming the procedural steps that will be taken.
If you have previously attended mediation with me, I will be familiar with your file, and you may agree to a more streamlined process to save on time and fees.
Special Programs -
As Advertised
Urgent Solutions - Kids First
A three-hour mediation session is offered at a flat rate of $650. Additional time is billed at a reduced hourly rate of $295.
Christmas/Holiday Parenting Arbitration
An expedited hearing and a decision within one week is offered at a flat rate of $1,350.
Arbitration with Pam Bell or Elizabeth Stock
Parties can elect to have a separate lawyer at Bell and Stock LLP arbitrate their issues. This allows the parties to have a clean slate/fresh set of eyes when having their issues determined, without being required to move their files and paperwork to another office.
Pam Bell and Elizabeth Stock provide arbitration services. Both have practiced family law for over twenty-five years.
Please enquire further.
Billing Practices
I charge the lowest combined rate for my services. For example, if your matter requires four hours of mediation, you will be charged for a half day mediation, plus one hour at my hourly rate.
I require a credit card authorization for parties booking half day or more mediations. You may pay at the end of your session by credit or debit.
*Prices are subject to GST and disbursements.